Mechanism of mst2 in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) during the immune response
LI Yanan, TANG Meizhen, LU Zhijie, LIN Li, QIN Zhendong
2021, 45(9): 1453-1464. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20210312685
Abstract PDF
Dual characters of overexpressed Medaka (Oryzias latipes) interferon regulatory factor 2 gene during virus infection
JIANG Zhengzheng, LUO Junzhi, SHEN Ping, WANG Zhi, PANG Lianhui, PAN Qihua, LIU Hong, CHEN Tiansheng
2021, 45(9): 1465-1477. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20210412797
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Molecular cloning and preliminary functional study of IFNa3 in No.2 of Xiangyun crucian carp
WU Hui, HOU Lifen, HUANG Jiayi, FENG Hao
2021, 45(9): 1478-1490. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20210512839
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A footprint in the genome of freshwater crayfish whispovirus (WSSV-Cc)
KE Fei, GUI Lang, LI Tao, ZHANG Qiya
2021, 45(9): 1491-1499. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20210512878
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Cellular proteasome subunit beta type-7 interacts with grass carp reovirus non-structural protein 12 (NS12)
QUE Shunzheng, WANG Longlong, LÜ Liqun
2021, 45(9): 1500-1507. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20210112589
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Identification of snakehead vesiculovirus P protein isomers and primary study of their function
BEI Congran, ZHANG Yongan, TU Jiagang
2021, 45(9): 1508-1516. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20210612906
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Cloning, subcellular localization and functional analysis of STAT3 and its splicing isomer in Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica)
LI Wenxing, ZHENG Fang, LING Lulu, LIANG Ying, HUANG Wenshu, NIE Pin, HUANG Bei
2021, 45(9): 1517-1529. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20210512873
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Functional characterization of hemojuvelin from Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in host defense against bacterial infection and regulation of iron homeostasis
YIN Xiaoxue, QI Weiwei, MU Liangliang, WANG Anli, YE Jianmin
2021, 45(9): 1530-1544. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20210612915
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Identification of two-component system RscSR in Streptococcus agalactiae GD201008-001 and its influence on the bacterial stress response and virulence
NIE Meng, MA Ke, CAO Qing, HUANG Hao, JI Shuting, LIU Yongjie
2021, 45(9): 1545-1554. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20201012439
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New record for Myxobolus basilamellaris in China with histopathological insights into gill infestation
WANG Miaomiao, ZHANG Jinye, ZHAO Yuanjun
2021, 45(9): 1555-1562. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20210612923
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Pathogens and histopathological characteristics of shrimp postlarvae bacterial vitrified syndrome (BVS) in the Litopenaeus vannamei
WANG Yingeng, YU Yongxiang, LIU Xiao, ZHANG Yonggang, ZHANG Zheng, LIAO Meijie, LI Bin, CAI Xinxin, RONG Xiaojun, LUO Kun
2021, 45(9): 1563-1573. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20200912396
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Preparation of Aeromonas salmonicida inactivated vaccine and test of its immunological efficacy in Scophthalmus maximus
GUO Huimin, DING Yuanyuan, WANG Hao, ZHENG Xujia, XIU Yunji, ZHOU Shun
2021, 45(9): 1574-1583. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20210612932
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Establishment and application of the nested RT-PCR for the detection of a novel largemouth bass birnavirus (LBBV)
LUO Mingju, LI Ningqiu, LIN Qiang, NIU Yinjie, LIU Lihui, LIANG Hongru, LUO Xia, FU Xiaozhe
2021, 45(9): 1584-1591. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20201112480
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IRF-mediated regulation of IFN antiviral response in fish
ZHAO Xiang, ZHANG Yibing
2021, 45(9): 1592-1604. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20210712942
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Research progress of bacteriophage in aquaculture
CHEN Yuan, ZHANG Yongan, ZHOU Yang
2021, 45(9): 1605-1615. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20210312706
Abstract PDF